Happy Independence Day from Latino Life News

On this day, over 200 years ago, 56 visionaries signed the Declaration of Independence, forever changing the course of history and paving the pathway for the founding of the United States of America.
As Latino immigrants or Latino-Americans, we have a lot in common with those 56 men. Whether we have fled from oppressive regimes or simply strove to give a better life to our children, we came to this land hoping for freedom and a better future for us and our children.
Many of us who are first generation immigrants probably remember going into Walmart or Target for the first time and seeing such plenty so easily accessible. Sixteen types of ranch dressing, out of season fruits and vegetables available, we remember those first few months and the awe this country inspired in us.
This is not easily replicable as many of us realized. Many of our brethren who live in Latin America have almost unsurmountable issues with the political, social and economic climates of their countries.
Of course, not everything is perfect here either. Inflation has especially affected our lives in many ways and the dream of owning a home is increasing farther away for many of us. But on this 4th of July let us remember that we are living in the land with the most possibilities. If you work hard and have a dream, this country is the best place to live to achieve them.
Don’t believe in the jaded world view that many news outlets purport on these days. Let us unite as a country and work to make our home a better place. It is in our hands.
Latinos across the USA, let us remember the dream those 56 visionaries had of this country, unite as a nation, and make our children and future generations proud.